Update on the Global Synod

The first session of the Global Synod on Synodality concluded in Rome on October 29 . This sixteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops gathered to discuss the issues outlined in the Instrumentum Laboris (working document). The concerns voiced in “listening sessions” by Catholics throughout the world provided the outline for this document. For almost a month, bishops and other delegates appointed by Pope Francis, met daily in the spirit of synodality to address the needs of the universal Church. At the conclusion of this first session, a Synthesis Report was published summarizing the month-long meeting. Over the next year, we are all invited to share, reflect, and listen to each other on the focused topics of this report. Using this input, the Synod on Synodality will conclude with the second session of the Global Synod in October of 2024.

On October 5 , the parish of Good Shepherd and Immaculate Conception hosted our own synodal encounter on “Women’s Leadership in the Church.” It was attended by almost 70 people. Differing perspectives were respectfully discussed in small groups and recorded by volunteer scribes. Since our encounter directly relates to Section 9 of the recently published Synthesis Report, our summarized comments have been submitted to the Vatican’s synod website, as well as to the group, Discerning Deacons. You can access a copy of the Synthesis Report, the results of our encounter, as well as other synod information using the links to the left.

Synodal Process


Pope Francis has invited everyone in the Church to embark on a journey together. Through listening and discernment rooted in the Holy Spirit, we are being called to contribute to this process of encounter. We pray that by responding to this call and engaging in this process, we will become a better Church, better aligned with the mind and heart of Christ. Our goal is to discern how God calls us to walk forward together.


All parish groups and ministries, Catholic organizations, along with persons with special needs, the elderly and their families, even those who have stopped attending Mass, those living in poverty, the incarcerated, migrants and refugees … no one is to be left behind!


During the months of February, March and April, the parish will facilitate many sessions or encounters in a spirit of mutual respect and attentiveness while being open to a journey of shared mission and vision. More specifically, here are the three phases of our synodal process:

  • Phase 1: Parish Leaders Session (Names are listed on the last page of bulletin) Mon. Feb 21 @ 6:30 p.m. at the church building in Schertz

  • Phase 2: Group Session - all members of groups, ministries and organizations invited by their own coordinators at a place, day and time of their choosing. Stay tuned!

  • Phase 3: General Session - everyone not involved in Phase 1 and 2 Sun April 3 @ 5:00 p.m. in Schertz and Marion at the same time

On the Bulletin Board at the entrance of the church will have information on this Synodal process with an input box for those who prefer to write their comments instead of encountering in person.


Every encounter is to have a scribe who will take notes and summarize the conclusions shared. Every session needs to focus on the two following questions:

  1. A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together”. How is this “journeying together” happening together in your parish?

  2. What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?

For more information call the parish office at 210-658-4350.

More information from the Vatican and Archdiocesan Websites