Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council exists for the purpose of serving the people of God. The Council is drawn from the parish membership and represents the Mystical Body of Christ in the Good Shepherd and Immaculate Conception Community.

The Pastoral Council serves as a consultative body for the pastor. Using the Pastoral Council’s input, the Pastor is responsible for providing direction to the parish. The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to be an instrument of common counsel for the determination of goals and policies, and the execution of programs in matters pertaining to the spiritual and temporal welfare of the parish.

Finance Council

The Finance Council is a consultative body of parishioners with special competence in financial and business management matters. The members of the council offer their time and talents to advise and support the Pastor in the administration of parish financial operations. Although the Code of Cannon Law reserves the right of final decision making to the Pastor, it intends for Pastors to seek the advice of parish finance councils when prudent and necessary. To this end, the Pastor includes the Finance Council in the parish financial decision making process.

Liturgy Committee

The Liturgy of the Church is the summit and center of our Christian life. This committee is in charge of seeing to it that the liturgical year is celebrated with dignity and decorum, from the celebration of Holy Week, especially the Triduum, to Sunday Masses to Penance Services, to devotions, etc.

Family Life Committee

Our parish community is a family composed of many families. This committee promotes activities that will strengthen both the parish and the domestic Church, the home. Parenting workshops, Bereavement ministry, seminars on family relationships or challenges, Ministry Fair and Appreciation activities are just a few of the activities overseen by this committee.

Life, Peace & Justice Committee

Our faith impels us to defend the gift of life from conception till natural death, through all its different transitions. That is why this committee works to create a greater appreciation for the life of the unborn, the orphans, the unemployed, the poor, the elderly, the immigrant, etc. We do outreach ministry in all its stages.

Evangelization Committee

This committee oversees programs and activities pertaining to Adult and Youth Formation such as Religious Education classes, Bible or Faith groups, workshops, seminars, talks, retreats, home visitation, etc.