Registration Now Open

Click the button below to register for the 2024/25 year.

Elementary Faith Formation

Faith Formation for elementary grades is a traditional Catholic program. Children are guided by catechists using an approved curriculum from Loyola Press that helps foster a relationship with God through Jesus. Faith Formation for elementary school age children meets weekly on Sunday mornings at Good Shepherd and Monday afternoons at Immaculate Conception.

 For more information click HERE.

Good Shepherd: Sun. 10:30 - 11:30 AM

Immaculate Conception: Mon. 3:30 - 5:00 PM

Middle School Faith Formation EDGE

Faith Formation for middle school age youth, also known as EDGE, is a non-classroom weekly gathering that is geared toward engaging middle school youth in a unique way. EDGE uses interactive games, media, and teachings rooted in solid Catholic tradition to help give them an understanding of the faith. The youth are also given the opportunity to gather in small groups by grade level to discuss the topics presented in the teachings. In addition to the teachings and small groups, they are also drawn deeper into a relationship with God through different prayer experiences. Currently, both communities (Good Shepherd and Immaculate Conception) will meet together on Wednesdays at Good Shepherd in Schertz 6:30 - 7 (social time) 7 - 8:30 PM

 For more information click HERE.



High School Faith Formation- Life Teen

Faith Formation for high school age youth, also known as Life Teen, is a non-classroom gathering that is geared toward engaging high school youth in a unique way. Life Teen uses interactive games, media, and teachings rooted in solid Catholic tradition to help give them an understanding of the faith. The youth are also given the opportunity to gather in small groups by to discuss the topics presented in the teachings. In addition to the teachings and small groups, they are also drawn deeper into a relationship with God through different prayer experiences.

 For more information click HERE.

Good Shepherd: Sun. 1:00 - 3:00 PM

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) adapted for Children and Teens

RCIA-CT is a sacramental preparation for those children and youth that have not received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation). The in-person sessions will meet on Sunday mornings at Good Shepherd 10:45 - 11:45 AM. RCIA - CT will help children and teens grow in their knowledge and experience of the Catholic faith with a sense of conversion and wishing to live a Christian life. Children and teens preparing to receive their Sacraments will join the adults at the Easter Vigil.  

RCIA for Children and Teens 10:30 - 11:30 AM at Good Shepherd


Adult Confirmation

Adult Confirmation is for those adults (18+) who have been baptized and First Communion but have not been confirmed. More information about session times and dates will be coming soon. Please contact David Weekes with any questions.