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Thank you for sponsoring a St. Augustine Hymnal in honor of or in memory of a loved one or cause. Your $25.00 per hymnal sponsorship will help defray the cost of the hymnals and will also support the music program of our parish. It is an added blessing that the names in the front of each book will be prayed for in a special way.

  • Each sponsorship label is $25.00-cash or check payable at the time of submission. Forms may be filled out in the church office or after Mass.

  • “SPONSORED BY” can be an individual, a group or a family.

  • We cannot mix “IN MEMORY OF” and “IN HONOR OF” on the same label.

  • There are only 700 sponsorships available at this time.

  • There is a maximum of five sponsorships per person/family.

  • The hymnals will remain in the Church of the Good Shepherd and will be property of the church.

Contact the Church office at 210-658-4350 or Brenda-Lea Hoage at 210-415-2296 or