Edge and Life Teen Core Teams
“Have no fear of moving into the unknown. Simply step out fearlessly knowing that I am with you, therefore no harm can befall you; all is very, very well. Do this in complete faith and confidence.”
Why would adults across the world give their time and energy to hang out with middle school and high school youth every week? Because as they watch these remarkable young people build a relationship with Christ and journey along with them through their trials and joys, they realize the reward is greater than their effort.
Core Members are the heart and soul of the youth ministry experience. One of the main tasks of Core Members is to lead small groups. In teams of two or three, Core members facilitate small group discussions and activities during youth group sessions. Session plans will be distributed to Core Members in advance so that they can review and prepare each session for their small group. Core Members might remain with the same group of youth throughout the entire year in order to allow Core Members and youth the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships. Other tasks for Core Members may include helping out with opening and closing prayers, performing skits, or giving witness/catechetical talks to the large group.